How it all started...
Rob Gardiner, our Senior Pastor, came to faith at Reading University and became part of the charismatic house church movement , where he came into contact with John Wimber and the ministry of the Vineyard. Being exposed to a ministry of Signs and Wonders that so closely resembled the book of Acts left it's mark.

Restoring the Foundations...
Over the years of planting Network Vineyard it became clear that to retain the Holy Spirit emphasis and to pass on the baton of supernatural ministry, intentional discipleship was required. In the West, we no longer have a spiritual culture that helps us understand the kingdom dynamic of the bible - there needs to be something that bridges the gap.
As a result, first of all The School of Supernatural Evangelism, then Kingdom First developed to create that intentional
As a result, first of all The School of Supernatural Evangelism, then Kingdom First developed to create that intentional
Becoming an empowered disciple...
It is not normal to be an unempowered Christian. Mark 16 says: 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
Our understanding of biblical, "normal" Christianity has become secularised. We are designed to minister in the power and authority of Jesus Christ.
Our understanding of biblical, "normal" Christianity has become secularised. We are designed to minister in the power and authority of Jesus Christ.

Who We Are
We are a Vineyard Church, a denomination that formed out of the Jesus People revival in the late 1960's early 1970's, and which has had an enormous impact on the UK church through the renewal ministry of John Wimber

What We Do
We make empowered disciples who are able to minister in church, on the streets and wherever their lives take them. We do it by training, mentoring and encouraging them in-person, online, in small groups and large and on the radio - Rob Gardiner currently hosts a fortnightly radio show called "God is Supernatural" on UGN Jamz - you can find him here fortnightly on Thursdays, 11am and 11pm -

What's Different
Jesus was clear - you can only fulfil the Great Commission when you are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. This is the One thing that makes the difference. We take that seriously. We are not sidetracked into doing many things that consume our resources, yet make very little difference to the end goal of the making the nations disciples. We are realistic that our small efforts will not alone achieve this, however, if, in some small way, our journey can inspire our generation to really believe that God's power is present for today, particularly in our western context, then, by God's grace, we will have lit a fire that goes beyond our small patch of ministry.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10:30 am