
Making Empowered Disciples...

The Mission

The mission of Network Vineyard Church is the same mission Jesus gave his followers: Making Empowered Disciples - "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
The Great Omission in the church is that the Holy Spirit rarely gets a look in, in most church discipleship programs. The result is discipleship which lacks the power of the early disciples.
That lack of power in our discipleship means the Great Commission is fatally compromised as Jesus said this was an absolute requirement to be his witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth.
Our challenge is to take seriously Jesus's statement that a truely effective disciple must be filled with globally disruptive power.

   How We Go About It

Online, In Person, on the Radio, on the Streets, in groups, in everyday life - we train, coach and develop disciples into an ongoing relationship with the Holy Spirit that enables them to minister like Jesus!
We teach them to heal the sick, cast out demons, break strongholds, and to prophesy.
And we encourage a lifelong pursuit of knowing Jesus and living in the strength and comfort that the Holy Spirit provides
We are all on a journey of discovering more about jesus and the Holy Spirit and we encourage you to join us

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